
Świnoujście - Karsiborska - 110 210 m3

Terminal Świnoujście - Karsiborska Street

Reloading terminal in Świnoujście is situated in Świnoujście Port at Uznam Island with the area of 107 417 m2.

The terminal wharf is 272 m long and has two berths:

  • tankers berth (technological platform service and pile mooring) with five loading arms
  • barge berth with three loading arms

Baltchem terminal in Świnoujście accept vessels with maximum parameters:
Loa – 195,00 m, d – 11,60 m, with vessel displacement to 57 600 ton.

The terminal has 11 underground tanks and 2 ground tanks. Total storage capacity of the tanks is 110 210 m3. The tanks are operated by independent discharge/loading and bulk measuring units.