
Cooperation and Investments

The perspectives of cooperation and investition potentials

Baltchem S.A is the owner of the whole area localized in the center of Szczecin Port at 9, Kujota Street and 19, Górnośląska Street with all the installations and plants. It has the shortest water-way to Berlin and Eastern lands of Germany and south of Poland by the Odra River to Kędzierzyn Koźle.

Plant at Kujota Street, about 45 000 m2

Good localization in the center of Szczecin Port and technological infrastructure of the plant create the great potential for future development and possibility of cooperation with other companies in the following areas:

  1. Cooperation in the development of “Discharging and Storing of Liquid Substances Terminal” by building storage tanks for other chemical products e.g. kerosene products including liquid fuel of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fire hazard, liquid fertilizers etc with the use of existing infrastructure for reloading and forwarding in the following relations: - vessel – shore tank – railway tankers or auto cisterns;
    - cisterns, auto cisterns – shore tank – vessel
    - vessel – railway tankers
    - other mixed operations
  2. Cooperation in bio-fuel mixtures production based on existing tanks/technical infrastructure and its loading on railway tankers and auto cisterns.

Plant at Górnośląska Street

The plant has the industrial area of 23 000 m2 localized at Górnośląska Street with the access to Basen Górnośląski port water region and coastline of 358 m with 80 m barge berth. There is a possibility of development of the berth for vessels 3 000 – 8 000 DWT. There are water, electric, telecommunication supplies, access road with exit to national road DK10, railway sidings with a total length of about 1 600 m and possibility of access to sewage system of Spółka Wodna Miedzyodrze (sewage pumping station at the area of the plant).

Suggested way of development depends on cooperator (the area is designed for industrial purposes) but the making use of port water is preferred - according to development plan of the port and the city.

All investors and cooperants are welcomed and offered our reloading and storing services as well as starting new bussines activities in the frames of present company profile.